Welcome to 2021. Many set their goals around this time of the year, things they would want to achieve in the remaining 11 months. Unfortunately, this seems to be the trend for quite a number of people. Funny enough our attention gets shifted and we are focused on other things. Take some time out to really reflect on how you can achieve those goals other than just being quick in deciding what you want to get out of 2021. Your plan should be extended to alternatives, if not this then what next? Most importantly plan along disaster as well. 2020 caught most of us unprepared and this disturbed so many activities which was quite an inconvenience.

Form 4 students are now writing examinations for the second time, government has assured us of maximum protection and not a repeat of what had happened last year. If this was given the attention it is being given now, then we would have been talking of a different story. It seems we never learn or we act when a calamity falls amidst us, something we ought to have moved away from by now. For how long are we going to start acting madzi akafika nkhosi? (when things are already tough) funny how attention is diverted from the very important things and focus is driven to the least. Let us take a different approach, change our routine and try something different.

Same old problems just different days or year should not be the saying for 2021. My plea to the government and different stakeholders, implementing partners, let’s work hand in hand in defeating the calamities among us. Pandemics such as unintended pregnancies, early marriages, severe gender based violence, abuse
should be dealt with. Strict penalties for offenders to deter potential candidates of crime. If we are to make the big shift to being developed, then these things should be dealt with and the focus should be how we can push ourselves up the ladder. Others are not more equal than others because of financial stability or culture, the law says we are all on equal footing.

Second wave of COVID-19 is here; some countries may be experiencing a third but by now it must not be very difficult to follow the preventive measures. Whatever we were doing when it first surfaced like washing hands frequently, sanitizing, observing physical and social distance and wearing a mask in public places should be done twice as much. This is our new reality now and let us take this seriously to avoid going through the pain it came with.

As we are preventing the spread of Corona virus, we should not divert from sexually transmitted infections. HIV remains deadly as well. Your health should be your top most priority and always keep in mind that a healthy nation is a production nation. It begins with you and me. Continue working incredibly hard, dream big. Be strong as you fight your way to success, the difficulties
you face is nothing compared to the Joy of success. Happy 2021.


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