YONECO through the Connect Plus – Action for Adolescent Girls and Young Women project, has trained 21 peer mobilizers from Lilongwe district in the use of community scorecard approach in a bid to promote social accountability in the provision of Youth-Friendly Health Services (#YFHS).

The three-day training which ended on 31 July, 2024 aims to promote young people’s access to quality Sexual Reproductive Health (#SRH) Services through continued accountability of health service providers to rights holders. The trained cadres are expected to facilitate the periodic assessment of various YFHS delivery points in their localities.

The project focuses on innovative, peer-led initiatives to address the increasing HIV rates and the limited access to #YFHS among Adolescent Girls and Young Women (#AGYW) from underserved communities.

The training session was conducted at Kafulu Teachers Development Centre (TDC) in Lilongwe. The session targeted peer mobilizers from communities around Kawale, Bwaila, Kang’oma, and Area 18 health facilities.

Connect Plus – Action for Adolescent Girls and Young Women project, which YONECO is implementing in partnership with the Ministry of Health, is being funded by @ViiV Healthcare Positive Action (UK).
#HealthRightsForAll | #ASRHR | #SexualReproductiveHealthRights


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