A remarkable journey of transformation unfolds through the life of Dolesi Moyenda, a 53-year-old single mother of three from Traditional Authority (T/A) Makhwira’s area in Chikwawa district.
Dolesi has always faced challenges to provide various basic needs for her family. Today, as the chairperson of the Tiyanjane Saving Loans Group (SLG), Dolesi exemplifies the powerful impact of smart financial management through the Social Protection for Gender Empowerment and Resilience (SP-GEAR) project which is being funded by UNICEF, European Union and the government of Ireland.
Dolesi’s sad story took a positive turn when she became a beneficiary of the Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) distribution being implemented by the government in various districts including Chikwawa. The financial assistance has been supportive to her family by providing much-needed resources to improve their living conditions and invest in their future. With the support she is getting from the SCTP, Dolesi made strategic decisions that not only benefited her immediate family but also inspired other community members.
One of Dolesi’s significant accomplishments was the purchase of a goat. This goat represents more than just livestock; it symbolizes hope and opportunity. As she nurtures her goat, she looks forward to the additional income and the nutritional benefits it will provide her family. Her commitment to sustainable living and animal husbandry demonstrates her understanding of the long-term advantages of proper resource management.
In addition to the livestock venture, she used part of her cash transfer to buy two bags of cement in preparation for a house renovation project. Her desire to create a safe and comfortable living environment for her children has become a reality, thanks to her dynamic investment decisions. Dolesi’s home is transforming, and so is her family’s future.
Recognizing the importance of making wise financial choices, Dolesi passionately advises other cash transfer beneficiaries to use their funds carefully.
“The money is a tool for change,” she says. “If we misuse it, we lose the chance to improve our lives,” added Dolesi.
Through her experiences, she encourages others to think critically about their purchases, highlighting that every penny spent should pave the way for a brighter future.
Dolesi’s leadership in the Tiyanjane SLG has also fostered a spirit of collaboration and empowerment among her peers. She actively shares her knowledge and experiences, encouraging other women in the community to pursue their dreams and take control of their financial well-being. She believes that together, they can build a stronger, more resilient community.