We are seeking support from the general public, to raise resources for Refugees in Nsanje. Following the post-election violence and conflict in Mozambique, a significant number of asylum seekers fled to Malawi, with many settling at Nyamithuthu Camp in Nsanje District.
The camp has been put under immense strain, with critical gaps in the provision of essential supplies and services. Immediate needs include food, non-food items (NFIs), and basic supplies to ensure the safety, dignity, and well-being of the displaced population.
We ask for any contribution, no matter how little you may be able to spare: Old Clothes, food items, toys and anything else. Everyday over 7000 people are struggling with food, clothing and health care, in the Refugee camps.
Your donation will help a life. Donate now through the following:
FDH Bank account Details
Account name: Youth Net and Counselling
Account no. 1860000021442
Bank Name: FDH Bank
Currency: US$
Swift Code: FDHFMWMW
National Bank account details
Account name: Youth Net and Counselling
Account no. 1001363847
Bank Name: National Bankof malawi
Currency: MWK
Swift Code: NBMAMWMW
Name: Youth Net Counseling. YONECO
Code: 6006031
Phone: 0894746705
Airtel Money
Name: Youth Net Counseling. YONECO
Phone: 999903739
You can also donate directly to any YONECO office, or find us on the 14th at: Gateway Mall (Lilongwe), Chichiri Shopping Mall (Blantyre), and Shoprite (Mzuzu).
#refugeesupport | #support | #humanitarianaid