Congratulations to the newly appointed cabinet ministers, as Malawians, we are eagerly looking
forward to working

with you while rendering all the support you may need as you venture into
your assigned duties. The expenditure of public funds will now be under your care as such asset
declaration is very key for the sake of accountability and transparency.

There is a lot of speedy progress that needs to take place in many sectors, investing in political
stances would just be a waste of time and will definitely eradicate the focus at hand which is
development. “No sweet without sweat”, we should not expect things to be handed over on a
silver platter just because of the new leadership. Two words, Hard-Work. The change in
leadership will have lost its prominence if people do not work hard. Demonstrate your competence
and commitment in moving things forward, hence a change will be guaranteed.

12 August is International Youth Day; my thoughts are with the youth especially in these trying
times of COVID-19 pandemic, there is nothing getting them occupied since schools are closed,
they are at a greater risk of contracting Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI’s) and already, many
reports are coming in of increased numbers of young girls getting pregnant since many services
including Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) have been denied. However, YONECO
provides SRHR Information on mobisite for easy accessibility. Alternatively, one
could also get such information by contacting Tithandizane Helpline Services on 5600, 116, 5700
and 6600 toll free lines.

World Humanitarian Day falls on the 19th of August 2020. Let us appreciate the front liners (nurses
and doctors) worldwide who are working tirelessly in the fight against COVID-19 and putting
themselves at risk and sometimes even lose their lives in order to help others. Their efforts should
not go unrecognised.

The increase in the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the country is bringing out major
concerns. It is the duty of everyone to stay safe, let us be cautious of our surroundings by
protecting ourselves and our loved ones and this should be everyone’s top most priority.
Let us remain vigilant, but one thing is certain, this too shall pass. Enjoy your read, and remain


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