Today, we would like to introduce you to our three-year-old little genius, Annie Andreya. Annie is one of the children who have been enrolled at a Community-based Childcare Centre (CBCC) Centre which we established five years ago at Senzani in the area of Sub-Traditional Authority (STA) Ntcheu District.

Annie’s mother does not hide how proud she is to have a three-year-old daughter who knows all the 12 months of the calendar, who is also able to recite the alphabet, draw and identify various geometrical shapes among other things.

According to her mother, Annie is a hardworking angel whose communication skills greatly improved when she enrolled at the ECD centre. Annie is always looking forward to starting primary school. Her ambition is to become a doctor.

These are the most important years of Annie and all her age mates. This is why we intend to support the establishment of CBCC’s as possible.


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