Majority of Malawians depend on renewable natural resources for their livelihoods. However, failure to sustainably use such life serving resources has led to environmental degradation which has, consequently, decreased the country’s productivity.

Currently, a number of efforts are being put in place in order to reverse the situation. However, if the war against environmental degradation is won today, the current situation we are in will repeat itself unless children are groomed to respect and take care of nature.

It is against this background that YONECO has introduced special sessions on climate change and sustainable use of natural resources.  Currently, the sessions have commenced at YONECO Youth-Drop-In-Centre (DIC) in Ntcheu and they are expected to be replicated in other centres.

So far, 16 children from around Ntcheu Youth DIC, (4 boys and 12 girls) are attending the weekly sessions on climate change and sustainable use of natural resources.


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