Officers from the Tithandizane Helpline Services Department conducted a series of human rights awareness sessions in various villages around the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Mwambo in Zomba district.

The sessions were held to combat various forms of violence which women and children are subjected to at community level. The sessions mainly focused on dymistifying human rights and at the same time helping the community members to understand the associated responsibilities of the rights which they have.

Community members actively participated in the session and posed a number of questions on various key issues and concepts in relation to human rights. The questions were mainly on Gender Based Violence (GBV) as well as on reporting channels and their roles in case management.

Among other things, a good number of participants in all the meetings indicated that, prior to the sessions, they were not aware that human rights have corresponding responsibilities.

Among other villages, the human rights awareness sessions were conducted at Sogoja, Mwendakale, Chopi and Ndiyesamwana villages in the area. In total, the sessions were attended by 431 community members of which 228 were females and 203 were men.


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