YONECO Orients Education Authorities in Usage and Management Digital Learning Gadgets in Rumphi

Building Education Foundations through Innovation and Technology (BEFIT) is a programme that is aimed at enhancing the reasoning as well as numeracy and literacy skills of standard 1 to 4 primary school learners. As one of the implementing partners of the project (BEFIT), we facilitated an orientation of various education authorities in the usage and…

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Ufulu Wanga Consortium Conducts Information-Sharing Workshop

From 8 to 9 August 2023, partners of Ufulu Wanga Project held a two-day information-sharing workshop that implementing partners had at Naming’azi Training Centre in Zomba. The workshop was conducted to raise awareness and educate participants about the condition, provide accurate and up-to-date information about albinism, debunk myths and misconceptions surrounding albinism, and promote understanding…

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Sustainable Land Management (#SLM) practices are key to achieving long-term environmental and socio-economic goals. It involves the responsible use and management of land resources to ensure their productivity while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. Today, partners that are implementing Sustainable Land Management (SAMALA) Project organized a Peer Learning Exchange Visit that was conducted at…

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