Over 500 Children Witness the Landmark Launch of ICT-Based Reporting Platforms

The Minister of Gender, Children Disability and Social Welfare, Dr Jean Kalirani presided over the landmark launch of the Online Child Abuse Reporting Portal and Tithandizane Helpline Mobile Application at Masintha Ground in Lilongwe. The two innovative child protection tools were launched on 17th May, 2018 which is also the Commemoration of the International Child…

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Mulanje District Council Impressed with YONECO’s Interventions against GBV

The Chairperson for Mulanje District Council, Councilor Charles Kapata, applauded YONECO for the activities which the organization conducted to prevent occurrence of Gender Based Violence (GBV) through awareness raising activities. Councilor Kapata said this during a massive event which YONECO organized to double as a commemoration for the Human Rights Day as well as a…

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