YONECO office in Rumphi district conducted an awareness session on sexual and school-related gender-based violence at Rumphi Secondary School.

The district staff, along with other professionals, led the session and provided information on the reporting mechanisms that are available to students. The session was designed to inspire and motivate students, particularly the 55 Form 1 girls who attended the session.

During the session, the district staff and other professionals used role modeling and mentorship techniques to encourage the students to stay in school and set achievable goals for themselves.

They shared their personal stories and experiences to illustrate the importance of education and the
potential opportunities that come from staying in school.

The students were also provided with information on how to recognize and report instances of sexual and gender-based violence and were encouraged to speak out if they ever felt unsafe or unsupported. The staff also discussed the importance of consent, healthy relationships, and how to access support services.


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