Young people are particularly vulnerable to HIV because of their developing bodies, social and economic instability, limited access to services and other risk factors. As such, it is important to engage them on how they can prevent it and also helping them who are living positively to properly manage their health.

On 1 February 2023, YONECO conducted an HIV and AIDs awareness session in Limbe, Blantyre. The session was aimed at helping the participants to make informed decisions about their health in relation to HIV. The participants were made aware of their role towards reducing the spread of HIV and how to support their peers who are living with HIV. YONECO youth workers also urged the youth to get tested for HIV on a regular basis and to always practice sex safe.

During the session, it was observed that young people are particularly in need of HIV self-test kits, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

YONECO has a particular focus on HIV prevention and management its programmatic approach in order to reduce its spread and help people living with HIV to manage their condition and live healthy lives.


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