More than a quarter of Malawi population is aged between 10 and 19 while 50% of the country’s total populace is claimed by the youth. This is the group that will also shoulder the impact of all the actions and decisions that are done today on issues pertaining to climate change. It is against this…
Read MoreOver the years, the effects of climate change which include drought and short rainfall periods have led to perennial hunger in many parts of Malawi. Consequently, community members around wildlife protected areas have resorted to poaching and encroachment in nearby national parks and game reserves as a coping mechanism. Thus, YONECO is implementing various interventions…
Read MoreAccording to data from YONECO’s Tithandizane Helpline Services, Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases tend to spike during the festive season due to a number of factors including substance abuse and overindulgence in alcohol. The available information shows that GBV is mainly perpetrated against women and girls. Thus, the Tithandizane Helpline Services Department has embarked on…
Read MoreAmong other key priority areas, YONECO is committed to promoting good health and human rights. In a bid to fulfill this mandate, YONECO uses various strategies to promote the rights and welfare of all people in the society especially the vulnerable groups. Thus On 11th December 2022, YONECO, in collaboration with the Malawi Police Service(MPS)…
Read MoreParent Child Communication (PCC) is there to help parents become knowledgeable and comfortable as sex educators. Good PCC around sexuality helps adolescents to make informed decisions pertaining to their Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH), consequently this leads to an overall reduction in the number of SRH challenges which young people face. It is against this background…
Read MoreTiyeni titenge mbali pothetsa nkhanza kwa amai ndi ana poneneza anthu omwe amachita nkhanzazi poyimba foni mwaulere pa 5600 #SDG5 #16DaysofActivism #endGBV
Read MoreMuvi oyang’anira suchedwa kulowa mmaso. Nkhaza zimabweretsa mabvuto osiyanasiyana. Tiyeni tiulure nkhazazi kwa adindo. Kapena kuyimba foni mwaulere pa 5600. #SDG5 #16DaysofActivism #endGBV
Read MoreYoung people who attend various sessions at our Chinamwali Youth Drop-in-Centre (DIC) in Zomba have elected new office bearers to lead various youth activities at the centre. congratulations to the new young leaders who have been entrusted with the positions and a big thank you to all the outgoing leaders for their remarkable contribution and…
Read MoreNkhanza tikazilekelera zimabala mavuto aakulu. Tiyeni tisachitire ena nkhanza, koma tikondane ndikutetezana wina ndi nzake. #SDG5 #16DaysofActivism #endGBV
Read MoreTiyeni tiwazindikiritse ana anthu nkhanza zomwe angakumanenazo ndikuwalimbikitsa kuti adziulura akachitilidwa nkhanzazi. #SDG5 #16DaysofActivism #endGBV
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